February, the month we all welcome into our hearts. Christmas is a distant memory and January, the longest month of the year, let’s face it for everyone, is over with.
Days are getting longer, weather is a tad warmer, we’re getting a spring back in our step and the yearly event calendar is kicking off again.
Love is in the air! Valentine’s Day is on the horizon. Warm, fuzzy feelings of love and thoughts of gifts for our significant others start to take over in the early days of the month. In 2022 it was estimated that Brits spent an astonishing £1.37 billion on Valentine’s Day (WunderKind), that’s an increase of around 15% from 2021 (Statista). In the words of Dean Martin – That’s Amore (we apologise in advance for planting that little earworm. We know you will be singing that all day now!)
Now we know the occasion can divide a lot of people, some are whole-heartedly for it, they love the romantic gestures, the cards, chocolates, flowers, and teddy bears holding hearts. For them ‘it’s better than Christmas’ and many elaborate marriage proposals, that have taken months to plan, happen on St Valentine’s Day. But for others, well, what’s the equivalent of Bah Humbug for love? It’s simply the 14th February, nothing too special, just another day. Did you know you can even buy anti-Valentine's Day cards? It’s a real thing.
Whatever your thoughts on the day, it’s a day that's steadfast on the calendar and office gifts, even small gestures like packets of personalised love heart sweets, bags of mini chocolate hearts or mini jelly hearts, will bring a smile to most faces (however, we will need to caveat here that we cannot guarantee to the faces of those who purchase the afore mentioned anti-Valentine's Day cards, but it’s the thought that counts).
And whilst we whittle away about a day which purely focuses on love, the team at JDR Branding Ltd love nothing more than working with clients to source and deliver the perfect piece of corporate, promotional merchandise that we know they’ll love too.