
Blog posts tagged with 'promotional marketing'

4 Years Old


4 years!!!!

JDR Branding is 4 years old this month, time flies when you are having fun, that's what I say!

Thank you to all our clients, suppliers, friends and family who have helped and supported us during this time.

During April we are making 4 great offers and gifts to celebrate.


1st Gift

Hamper basket


Our 1st gift is this wicker hamper filled with edible goodies for your team to share : Cupcakes, Donuts, Flapjacks, Millionaire Shortcake and Brownies.


Invest to achieve the best: Importance of Quality over Quantity

 Invest in Branded Merchandise


When you think about branded products, it is common for people to think about the ‘traditional’ products such as branded pens and pads, but moving forward and post COVID-19, innovation will be key in helping you to really get the most out of your branded merchandise. 

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To Promote... or not to promote... that is the question. OR is it?

Many businesses use promotional products to promote their brand and corporate identity, after all it's a powerful tool. However, are they doing it well?